Kliniske ressourcer

Kliniske posters

I forbindelse med kongresserne World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) og The European Council of Enterostomal Therapists (ECET) har Dansac udgivet posters relateret til stomipleje og brugen af stomiprodukter. Vores psoters er udviklet i tæt samarbejde mellem højprofilerede stomisygeplejersker og interne specialister.

Vis Poster User assessment of a new pouching system designed for discretion and concealment
Vis Poster Clinical Evidence Booklet
Vis Poster Pouch Discretion and Concealment. Importance for the ostomate and products to meet their needs.
Vis Poster The Challenges of Conducting Clinical Research: The Investigators Perspective
Vis Poster User assessment of a new pouching system designed to improve discretion and confidence